A Beacon of Hope
In a world that often seems overshadowed by darkness and uncertainty, the innate desire for hope continues to flicker deep within the human spirit. Like a gentle candle flame, it illuminates the path towards a better tomorrow and motivates individuals to seek out solace in the purest and uncorrupted aspects of life. Hope, with its inexplicable power to inspire and heal, emanates from the softest of centers within us, reminding us of our collective potential for greatness.
At the heart of this gentle center lies a resounding call to serve, uniting communities, fostering empathy, and kindling a selfless desire to bring about positive change. It is in moments graced by acts of genuine service that the potency of hope truly manifests—a force that transcends individual circumstances and reverberates across the wider tapestry of humanity.
When we embrace the call to serve, we unlock a limitless source of hope, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of those around us. Serving others goes beyond mere philanthropy or charity; it becomes an integral part of our own personal growth and transformation. By dedicating ourselves to the well-being and upliftment of others, we begin to witness the profound impact hope can have, not only on the lives we touch but also on our own spirits.
Hope, in its purest form, is boundless and self-propagating. It becomes an infectious energy that ripples outward, touching the lives of countless individuals and ultimately shaping a brighter future. Each act of service becomes a catalyst for a chain reaction, as the flames of hope spread and ignite in the hearts of others. In this interconnected web of compassion, the potential for transformation becomes infinite.
Moreover, the concept of reciprocal service emerges, epitomized by the statement, "Serve me, and I will serve you." When we extend ourselves to others, bidding them embrace hope, we are rewarded with a reaffirmation of our own purpose and an amplified sense of fulfillment. It is through this interconnectedness of service and hope that a profound sense of belonging is forged—a collective consciousness that assures us we are not alone in navigating the tribulations of life.
However, the call to serve should never be misconstrued as an obligation or a one-sided transaction. Instead, it should be viewed as a testament to the intrinsic human potential to create a harmonious world. It is an invitation to contribute to something greater


Mature sea urchin, adult porcupine quills, young sea urchin surrounded by a crown of fossilized shark teeth (<10,000 yrs old), honey locust thorns, pearl pin in silver setting, prayer medals of saints, unbroken wishbones, handmade steel and wood stand.

Materials sourced 2015-finished by 2017




Save Me, The Last Piece